Creator of provocative theatre is concerned with what kind of world he lives in and does not allow the audience to relax.
Now, she will be taking the iconic role of Tatyana in Barrie Kosky’s directed "Eugene Onegin".
This Showcase will introduce spectators to 13 performances, young and well known theatre names.
The performance was staged by Rimas Tuminas and was shown for three nights at the restored ancient Pompeian theatre.
The man of today\’s world hiding behind the clothes and images gradually sheds off all the layers until he remains naked, sad and yet so strong.
This is one of the few performances in Lithuania where the Brechtian tradition of acting is more suitable than that of Stanislavski.
The conference will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, 24-25 September 2019.
Performances. Exhibition. Conference. Meetings – in Naples, St. Petersburg, Lublin, Vilnius
This seductive performance is beautifully sung by the lounging tourists as we watch from our balcony, our ticket to the end of the world.